Versatile Acrylic Finish Enhances California Middle School’s Aesthetics

Posted By Building Design and Construction  | January 20, 2016

The Helen Stacey Middle School in Huntington Beach, Calif., added a building in the back of its campus. It needed a weatherresistant wall fi nish that also gave the building curb appeal and design versatility, so the school used Stolit Milano, a new fi nish from Sto. The building, which has stucco cladding, has a fi nish that is smooth while also low maintenance, due to its moisture resistance. Stolit Milano is a trowel-applied fi nish, and it can be used for both interior and exterior wall surfaces. It is 100% acrylic, can be applied in a two- or three-coat process, and can be sanded for a smoother fi nish. The product provides 25% more coverage than any other fi ne fi nish, according to the maker.

Originally published in Building Design and Construction • January 2016

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